Community Helpers Month
to Mar 31

Community Helpers Month

We are so excited to tell you about an EPIC month of March that we have planned: Community Helpers Month! We will have visitors here to share all about what they do and to provide hands-on experiences for your children. Next week will start with a visit from a doctor and nurse, a police officer and several police vehicles, construction workers and an excavator and cement mixer, and a trolley (with the opportunity for a trolley ride). Several of the visitors we will have are actually a part of our Cliff Drive family! We have much more planned, and still some things in the works, but we know it will be a great time. See the schedule below for what we have going on.

Here are some things you should know:
- This will happen between 9-11am daily (apart from Wednesdays where we will have chapel)
- We will do this in groups based on age! Even the children in the Infant Center get to participate.
- Parents are welcome!
- You CAN come and bring your child on a day they don't typically attend so that they can participate! You will just need to accompany them for the time they are here.
- If you would like your child to ride the trolley or bus, we will have a waiver to sign next week. Let us know if you have any questions.

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CDCC Fundraiser at Brass Bear Uptown
12:00 PM12:00

CDCC Fundraiser at Brass Bear Uptown

Brass Bear Uptown has given us the opportunity to raise money for Cliff Drive Care Center Children’s Programs and Senior Lunch! Go get dinner on Thursday, April 3rd, between 12:00-8:00pm at their uptown location (3302 McCaw Ave). Say you are with Cliff Drive and 10% of your order will go back to us! Spread the news and we hope to see you there!

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Ash Wednesday Service with FMCSB
6:30 PM18:30

Ash Wednesday Service with FMCSB

Lent this year begins on Wednesday, March 5th. In the church calendar year, Lent is the 40 day period, excluding Sundays, leading up to Easter. It is a time of contemplation, lament, and earnestly seeking God as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the joyous Resurrection of Jesus. Lent is meant for Christians to deeply consider why Jesus died on a cross. It is a good time to consider letting go of those things which have a hold on our hearts and to fast from them. Lent is often considered a journey where we deepen our walk with Jesus, our Savior whose sacrifice makes us whole. 

To begin the Lenten season, the Free Methodist Church will be offering prayer in the sanctuary all day long on Ash Wednesday. Starting at 6:00am, you are invited to come and spend time with Jesus on this day set aside for reflection. We are always invited to come to the Lord in prayer, believing God will meet us. As this is the first day of Lent, this may be a day where you are beginning a fast as well. Fasting from our regular patterns of eating or an ingrained activity helps us be more reliant on God. Fasting is not required, but it is a helpful spiritual discipline which mirrors how Jesus fasted in the desert before beginning ministry. Fasting invites the Holy Spirit to meet us in new ways as we give up something that is important to us, and then invite God to fill that space with His presence.  

This day of prayer will be in the sanctuary on March 5th starting at 6:00am. You are invited to come anytime and pray or you can set aside an hour to do so at home. Pastors will be available to pray with you during the day. We will provide scripture prompts and writing materials, in case you want to write down your prayers. We will then end with worship in the sanctuary at 6:30pm, at the Ash Wednesday Service. This is a beautiful worship service of scripture and music that will prepare us for the sacred season of Lent. This service highlights themes of humility, repentance, and mortality, and we will spread ashes on your forehead, a long-standing tradition of the church.

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Parent's Night Out
5:30 PM17:30

Parent's Night Out

Got kids 2 years old or older? Do you need some time away? Parent’s Night Out is here to help! We are offering free childcare (+ $5/child for pizza) on Friday, February 7th, from 5:30-8:00pm here at the church. Please sign up through THIS FORM by February 3rd to reserve your spot.

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Pizza and Play
5:00 PM17:00

Pizza and Play

Pizza and Play is happening Thursday, January 23rd, at 5:00pm! The last one was super fun, so we are looking forward to doing it again! A pizza dinner will be provided and there will be some winter-themed activities! We hope to see you there.

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2024 Christmas Program
6:30 PM18:30

2024 Christmas Program

Join us on December 13th at 6:30 for our annual Christmas Program. Your children have been preparing for this and are excited to perform Christmas songs for you! All our welcome to attend. It will be outside, under the tent, so dress warmly! Treats will be provided and a special guest may show up at the end! See you there.

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2024 Giving Tree
to Dec 25

2024 Giving Tree

This year FMCSB has chosen two worthwhile local programs for the 2024 Christmas Giving Tree. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) and Hope Counseling Center.

CASA of Santa Barbara County serves children who have experienced abuse and/or neglect so severe they had to be removed from their homes for their own safety. The children may be placed in a foster home, with a relative, or with their biological family under the court’s supervision. Throughout the year, CASA volunteers offer consistency and individualized advocacy to ensure children are safe.

At Christmas time CASA social workers gather specific wishes for every child in the protective care of the court - over 600 local children. They pass that list onto wish granters (like you!) to fulfill. This year we want to focus on the often-neglected population of teenagers in foster care. You can help a child feel special this holiday season when they open up a gift meant just for them. CASA asks donors to use gift bags and label the gift with Giving Tree Tag for easy sorting.

Hope Counseling Center is a non-profit organization staffed by professionally trained and licensed therapists in the field of Marriage and Family Therapy and Clinical Psychology. Often the high cost of therapy sessions ($150 and upwards) can prevent people from securing the mental health support they desperately need. To this end, they have created the Fund for Therapy program. In this program, clients typically pay $50 per session (for up to 10 sessions) but can work with individual therapists to find solutions if this reduced fee is not sustainable. This program was created to provide reduced cost therapy sessions to those in need while still being able to pay Hope therapists a livable wage. Providing reduced fees to clients is a team effort with the client, donors, and therapist all contributing to make these services affordable.

We will have gift tags on our Giving Tree labeled in increments of $25, $50 and $75 dollars to donate towards the Fund for Therapy. All funds raised go directly to provide mental health services at a reduced cost. Donations to Hope Counseling Center are tax deductible. You may donate (with “Hope” written on the memo line), drop it at the school office with your Giving Tree Tag, or give online or through our website, putting “Hope Counseling Center” in the memo. If you would like to give an alternate amount, that is also permissible.

Please prayerfully consider how you might help bring hope and joy to people in need this Christmas.

“Above all, keep loving one another.”
1 Peter 4:8

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Fall Family Festival 2024
11:30 AM11:30

Fall Family Festival 2024

Our annual Fall Family Festival is happening Saturday, October 26th, from 11:30am-2:30pm! Our parking lot will be transformed into a “fun zone” with bounce houses, games for all ages, a cotton candy machine, prizes, Trunk or Treat, and more! Lunch is also available for purchase during this event. This is a free event for the community, so all are welcome to attend. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors, and dress up in something fun (no scary or violent costumes, please).

We look forward to seeing you there!

Can you help us put on this party for our community? Volunteers serve food, set up and decorate, spend an hour running games for the toddlers/preschoolers or elementary school children, monitor the bounce houses, set up their cars for Trunk-or-Treat, and help tear down/clean up. Can you share an hour of your time for the children of our community? Volunteer sign ups coming soon!

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Back to School Night
6:00 PM18:00

Back to School Night

Back to School Night

September 17th, 6-7pm

You are welcome to our upcoming Back to School Night! The night will begin upstairs in the sanctuary where you will hear from our Director, Delanie, and get information about other upcoming news and events at CDCC. Then, you will be dismissed to head to your child’s classroom with their teacher to learn more about the ins and outs of life at Cliff Drive!

We will provide childcare, so please message us in Brightwheel to sign up! Space is limited.

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Fiesta Parade
9:00 AM09:00

Fiesta Parade

Every year Cliff Drive Care Center walks in the Santa Barbara Fiesta Parade! Come and join us and represent our school! Groups are scheduled to gather at the corner of Cabrillo blvd and Garden Street. We are 32 in the line up, so come and find us! The parade starts promptly at 10am, so please plan to get there between 9 and 9:30am. Take into account the crowds, packed parking garages, etc. We can’t wait to see you there!

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Summer Kick-Off Potluck
5:00 PM17:00

Summer Kick-Off Potluck

Join us on June 21st at 5:00pm down at the Leadbetter Beach picnic area for our annual Summer Kick-Off Potluck! All are welcome to attend! We will bbq hotdogs, and we ask that you bring a potluck item to share. We are excited to celebrate the start of summer with you.

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Parent Seminar: Attunement
5:30 PM17:30

Parent Seminar: Attunement

Join us for a Parent Seminar on Thursday, April 25th. Dinner will be served at 5:30pm and the seminar will run from 6-7pm. Suzy Hermes, Speaker, Campus Director for Athletes in Action at UCI, Executive Coach, and Mother of 3, will be speaking on “Attunement.” “Come hear about a powerful tool to help deepen family bonds and take all your relationships to a new level.”

Childcare is provided! Sign up by emailing

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Easter Sunrise Service
6:00 AM06:00

Easter Sunrise Service

We are grateful to gather for our annual Easter sunrise service. Meet us IN THE SANCTUARY at 6:00am to worship and hear from God’s Word. Come comfortable, a continental breakfast will be provided after the service.

We will continue our time of worship in the sanctuary at 8:30 & 10:15am (+ 8:30am livestream).

We hope to see you there!

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Service of Tenebrae
7:30 PM19:30

Service of Tenebrae

Join the Free Methodist Church for a Good Friday service where we remember the great love Christ showed for us on the cross. We will read through the story leading up to the cross, and will slowly extinguish candles until we leave in darkness. Join us for our 7:30pm service in the sanctuary, or watch online.

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Parent's Night Out
5:30 PM17:30

Parent's Night Out

Got kids 3 years old or older? Do you need some time away? Parent’s Night Out is here to help! We are offering free childcare (+ $5/child for pizza) on Thursday, February 22nd, from 5:30-7:30pm here at the church. Please sign up by emailing by February 16th to reserve your spot. 

This event is put on by the Free Methodist Church of Santa Barbara

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Adult Education Classes (Encounter)- Healthy Relationships
to Feb 18

Adult Education Classes (Encounter)- Healthy Relationships

  • Google Calendar ICS

You are welcome to join the Free Methodist Church for their adult education classes. They are held each Sunday at 11:45am in the Upper Room (room above pre-k). The theme this semester is “Values of the Citizens of the Kingdom of God.”

On February 4th, 11th, and 18th, Rev. Dr. Denny Wayman and Cheryl Wayman, LMFT, will be speaking on Healthy Relationships. Week 1 will focus on “Be Safe-as in do no harm,” week 2 will be “Be a Blessing- be redemptive and uplifting,” and week 3 will be “Be a Peace-Maker- resolve conflicts.” If you need childcare to attend, please email and it will be set up for you. We hope to see you there!

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CDCC Christmas Program
6:30 PM18:30

CDCC Christmas Program

Join us Thursday, December 14th, at 6:30pm, in our upper parking lot, for our annual Christmas Program! The children have been hard at work learning songs for this special evening. Please drop your children off in their classrooms at 6:10pm, sign them in, and then go find your seat (seating will open at 6:10pm). After the program, join us for dessert to celebrate the birth of Jesus! There will also be a special guest. Feel free to invite your friends and family, all are welcome!

Since we will be outside, please dress warmly and bring a blanket.

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Parent Shopping Day
12:00 PM12:00

Parent Shopping Day

Hi Parents!

How does free childcare at the church sound? Maybe so you can go Christmas shopping without kids, go on a lunch date, take a nap, or just collapse on the beach for a bit?

When: Saturday Dec. 2nd
Time: 12-4 pm
Cost for Pizza lunch: $5 per kid

RSVP to by Monday 11/27 with your name and the names and ages of your children please!

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Service of Gratitude + Thanksgiving Dinner with FMCSB
10:30 AM10:30

Service of Gratitude + Thanksgiving Dinner with FMCSB

You’re invited to a service of gratitude with the Free Methodist Church of Santa Barbara on Nov. 19th at 10:30am under the tent (1435 Cliff Drive, Upper Parking Lot). Following the service we will share a Thanksgiving meal together!

Please bring a side dish or dessert (with serving utensils) to share. If you are willing to help prepare the meal or serve, you can sign up to volunteer HERE.

We hope to see you there!

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Fall Family Festival 2023
11:30 AM11:30

Fall Family Festival 2023

Our annual Fall Family Festival is happening Saturday, October 28th, from 11:30am-2:30pm! Our parking lot will be transformed into a “fun zone” with bounce houses, games for all ages, a cotton candy machine, prizes, Trunk or Treat, and more! Lunch is also available for purchase during this event. This is a free event for the community, so all are welcome to attend. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors, and dress up in something fun (no scary or violent costumes, please).

We look forward to seeing you there!


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Back to School Night
6:00 PM18:00

Back to School Night

As we begin the new school year, please join us to meet with your child’s teacher and learn about classroom routines and activities. Childcare will be provided, but is first come, first served.

Message us on Brightwheel to sign up for childcare.

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Picture Day
3:00 PM15:00

Picture Day

Picture day will be on October 17th. We will start with the infant center and will work our way through the school. You are welcome to send your child in clothes for picture day and an extra set to change into after. If Tuesday is not your child’s typical day, you can still come and stay with them for photos. A link to purchase photos has been sent in Brightwheel.

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Day of the Dip
5:00 PM17:00

Day of the Dip

Join us for a sizzling showdown of flavors at our Salsa Competition fundraiser held under the tent at our upper parking lot. Participate in our Opportunity Drawing, share your best salsa recipe and enjoy dinner and music. Cast your vote and support Cliff Drive Care Center in their 60th year.

If you work for a service or company that would like to provide an item for our Opportunity Drawing please contact Danielle at

Some examples of prizes donated in the past are:

  • Gift Cards: MESA Cafe, Blenders, Trader Joes, iTunes, etc.

  • Tickets to the Moxi Museum

  • Swim Lessons

  • Handyman Help

  • Babysitting

  • Cooking Lessons

  • Math Tutoring from Mark Bates

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Open Mic Night
7:00 PM19:00

Open Mic Night

Join us for an evening of artistic expression at our Open Mic Night on August 25 at 7 pm. All are welcome: Whether you're a singer, a poet, a spoken word artist or an enthusiastic audience member, this is a great opportunity to be together, make new friends, and celebrate and enjoy one another's gifts of creativity. If you have any questions or want to sign-up to perform, please reach out to Chloe Liebengood ( or Pastor Nikki ( Come and join us! 

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Jenny's Retirement Potluck
5:30 PM17:30

Jenny's Retirement Potluck

Our beloved Jenny Yznaga is retiring from her position as Cliff Drive Care Center’s Director. Jenny has made such a powerful impact on the preschool and has intentionally cared for every family that has walked through our playground’s gates.

We hope you can join us for a celebration of Jenny and all her years of dedicated work for Cliff Drive Care Center. Her Retirement Potluck will be at 5:30 pm at the grassy group picnic area at the end of the parking lot at Leadbetter Beach. We will provide drinks, plates, utensils AND Tri-tip! If you are able, please bring a side dish or dessert to share. We hope to see you there!

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Easter Sunrise Service
6:00 AM06:00

Easter Sunrise Service

We are grateful to gather for our annual Easter sunrise service. Meet us at the Leadbetter Beach picnic area at 6:00am to watch the sunrise as we worship and hear from God’s Word. Pack a blanket and/or chair to sit on and dress warmly. A continental breakfast will be provided after the service.

We will continue our time of worship in the sanctuary at 9 & 11am (+ 9am livestream).

We hope to see you there!

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Easter Egg Hunt 2023
9:00 AM09:00

Easter Egg Hunt 2023

All children up through the 5th grade are welcome to an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8th, at 9:00am at La Mesa Park. Come for a great time of fellowship, singing, crafts, and an epic egg hunt. Please bring one dozen candy-filled eggs to contribute to the hunt, and please invite your friends and family- all are welcome!

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